By the time the cold of the winter arrives the afternoons spent strolling around the stalls with typical products of this time of year come to our mind. Roasted chestnuts…peanuts or candied almonds…

Did you know where candied peanuts come from? According to rumours, they could come from ancient Egypt. They used to cook this type of confit seeds, but instead of using sugar, they used honey to sweeten or even candied nuts. 

Candied fruit takes its name from the way it is cooked. Candied fruit is made by soaking food in syrup until it solidifies. Este dulce es un clásico en la mesa navideña de las familias, aunque también se consume el resto del año en gran parte del continente americano. 

ATTENTION: caramel and praline aren’t the same thing! The first step in the process of making praline is preparing the caramel (dry or from syrup) and once it is ready, the dried fruits are added. This produces a translucent, crystalline preparation, which is then chopped. Instead, the sugar crystallisation, which is so feared, becomes what we’re trying to achieve.

There are different products that can be candied, such as dried fruits and nuts, but have you ever tried candied fruit? Let us bring you a recipe that everyone will want to have in their possession!!!

Grapes. Candied grapes. This is a tasty and healthy option in the proper way. Find out how to make it below.


  • 20 seedless El Ciruelo grapes
  • 1 condensed milk tin
  • 2 tbs butter
  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
  • Icing sugar as desired


  1. In a saucepan, heat the condensed milk with the butter on low heat, stirring constantly, till the mixture leaves the saucepan bottom.
  2.  Move away from the heat and add the walnuts.
  3. Place the mixture in a bowl to cool.
  4. Spread oil on your hands and shape into 20 small balls and place a grape inside each one.
  5. Sprinkle it with sugar.
  6. And enjoy Ciruelover!


Don’t forget to follow us on our social networks @elciruelofruits and @Doceuva and show us how tasty this super recipe looks!